The Federal Tax Liens listed below show 11 years of failure of candidate Steven Louis Stark to pay Federal Income Taxes since 2002. Candidate Stark says he only owes $9,700. If that is true, why are the others still recorded? Where are the "Release of Liens"? The Voters of Montrose deserve to know.
2005 Tax Lien for 2002 Tax Year
Montrose deserves better
2010 Tax Lien for 2007 & 2008 Tax Years
Montrose deserves better
2010 Tax Lien for 2004 & 2005 Tax Years
Montrose deserves better
2019 Lien for 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Tax Years
Montrose deserves better. Vote for Scott Mijares for County Commissioner. You can trust him to care for the County Budget responsibly.
Click here to view Big Lou on video explaining why he has not paid his income tax in 22 years.